February 23, 2025

Temple and Canteen are now open

Sri Vakrathunda Vinayagar Temple is pleased to announce that the Temple has reopened to devotees from 7am Wednesday 28 July 2021.

The Temple will have a limit of 100 people within the Temple building itself. If the number of people exceed this limit, we would kindly request devotees to remain outside the Temple building (perhaps in their cars) until the number of people within the Temple drops below the 100 limit. 

The Canteen has also returned to normal operating services and will continue to apply the 4 square metre rule for the number of patrons. 

Whilst in the Temple and Canteen the following requirements will still apply:

1.All devotees to wear masks at all times

2.All devotees are required to check in via the Victorian Government QR code app for contact tracing purposes. QR codes are located at the front and rear entrances, Temple Office and at the Canteen.

We continue to ask for your patience, support and cooperation as we embed COVIDSafe policies within the Temple. 

May Sri Vakrathunda Vinayagar bless you and your family. 

Yours sincerely, 

Management Committee